Sunday, March 10, 2024

What's New!

Hi friends and fellow creators! 

We have had a wonderful couple of weeks of Camps with one more coming! During the school year I will continue with 5 week group lesson sessions for adults and children. Pricing will be $35/lesson or five for $150 to hopefully encourage continuity. Most lessons will be held on either Wednesdays or Sundays. Please reach out with any group interest and stay tuned! I plan to have many weeks of Summer Camps next Summer. Follow @Feel.Breathe.Create on instagram to be kept up to date with all of the latest class offerings. I am also happy to add you to our email list. Thank you all so much!

I am very excited to see you all soon!

                                                                                                                           In Love and Light, 



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What's New!

Hi friends and fellow creators!  We have had a wonderful couple of weeks of Camps with one more coming! During the school year I will contin...