SUMMER 2024 was a raging success! I am very excited for SUMMER 2025 to come!
All Sessions are Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Pricing is $250 a camper which includes some FANTASTIC new materials!
All Summer Sessions are held from my home studio located in Winston Salem off Peace Haven Road. We will also have a 20 minute snack break for the artists to swing on my porch, tree swing, or bounce on my trampoline. Admittedly my pretty kitty Moon is also quite a hit. Age 6-9 age group will have one helper to assist with supervision and material change over.
I am also seeking responsible helpers volunteers who get a free week of camp while also assisting during snack break with tree swings, the trampoline and some basic cutting and hot gluing help usually with the ages 6-9 age group. Typically these campers get some great craft time too and it looks great on an application!
June 16 - 20
This theme was so popular last year I decided to repeat! This is an opportunity for your child to send a photo of their pet or favorite animal to create a personalized portrait and also to be introduced to the higher design concepts behind composition and abstract art! We will create much canvas work with a large focus on drawing and painting though will have some fun crafting as well. I can't wait to introduce your children to the wonderful techniques of fine portraiture and abstracts! Both of which happen to be my specialty 😉!
June 23 - 27
Sunshine, popsicles, beaches and more! Summer brings tasty treats, swimming, and being barefoot in the grass. We may even paint with our toes! We will create all the Summer vibes in this session including gorgeous flowers and some fun, colorful critters and butterflies. All camps are mixed media and include drawing, painting, collage, textiles, sculpture and will incorporate both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work. I can't wait to bask in the fun vibes with your young artists!
June 30 - July 4
Step into the world of all things mythical and magical! Dragons, mermaids, fairy dolls and more! In this session we will dream big and stretch our imaginations. All camps are mixed media and include drawing, painting, collage, textiles, sculpture and will incorporate both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work. I can't wait to create with your children and see what they dream up!
LET'S MOVE! 💃 (AGES 6 - 9)
July 7 - 11
This camp will focus on all types of movements. Sports, dance, and ways to create rhythm and movement in Art! We will use a variety of lines and techniques to create vibrant and exciting work much like Kandinsky. We will even make our very own moveable sculptures! All camps are mixed media and include drawing, painting, collage, textiles, sculpture and will incorporate both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work. I can't wait to create with your children and see what they dream up!
July 14 - 18
From sunsets to forests, nature is all around us! In this session we will explore a wide range of how to create beautiful artwork inspired by nature both realistic and abstract! We will make some cute woodland animals, gorgeous sunsets, and more! All camps are mixed media and include drawing, painting, collage, textiles, sculpture and will incorporate both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work. I can't wait to create with your children and see what they create!
July 21 - 25
Okay, so this theme is a selfish endeavor to my favorite birthday party my mother hosted for my twin sister and I where we made bean bag Santa sculptures! I remember to this day making the little red velvet hat and wire rimmed glasses. This session will be culturally inclusive and all will be encouraged to celebrate the holidays that are special to them and their families. We will also cover things like icy penguins, polar bears, and igloos! All camps are mixed media and include drawing, painting, collage, textiles, sculpture, and will incorporate both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work. I can't wait to create and hear about your child's traditions as we celebrate and craft some holiday decor!
See you soon!
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